Monday, October 3, 2011


How is everyone doing? That 40 day fast sounds so great. Really that is so cool and such a blessing to increase the missionary work in the ward. Wow keep it up. I am so excited about Kellie getting baptized. That is so great. It is so cool to see the effect of the example that all her friends showed her and the blessing of her finding the truth for herself. SO AMAZING!! Wow Matt is home? That is crazy time really does fly. Give him my best. I can't believe that Max has a tower now that is so sweet. When you go out next just take a moment to remember who is the best one, me. hahah just kidding. But that is really cool. Well it is good to hear that everyone is doing great.  I am doing good. This was a crazy week. It was so hot we were dieing everyday this week and could not find any way to cool off. We live on the second floor of the apartment bld and there is new AC so we just were sweating not matter what we did. But we were really excited because all today it has been raining really hard and that really cooled things down. Well this week was a really fun. To start off the relationship with the branch has grown a lot. We were invited to play sports with the branch this week and sense that day all the members have been calling us, talking to us and inviting us over to eat and to hear a message. It is cool to see the excitement of the branch grow for missionary work. It is true that the best way to do missionary work is with the members that live there and are examples each day for all the people around them. Well also this week we had zone conference and i was able to see some of the people from the MTC that i have not seen sense i came to France. It was good to see them and talk about all that has already happened on our mission. It is really just flying by, crazy. The training by president was really good he talked about how to be happy and the things that we need to do to be happy. Also he talked a lot about walls in our lives. How we need to tear them all down. The walls between the members and the missionaries and any personal walls that keep you from giving 100%. After training i was able to talk to Elder Hall and tell him how Ralph and Dad know his Dad and Grandpa. It was really cool and he just found out that his little brother got a mission call to this mission, that was really exciting. Well this week we were visiting less actives and doing Family finding. We have been working hard to find a family to teach. We had a cool experience were we contacted this lady and her kids and she was like thanks for stopping us the other day my daughter asked me who God was and i could not answer her, so can you tell her. It was so cute so we taught this little girl who God was. Then we gave them our info and a pamphlet on the family and we hope that they give a call soon. It is just sad to see how a little girl wanted to know who God was and her parents could not tell her. It makes me happy to know that i am out here to share the truth with everyone. To let them know who God is and that he loves us and has a plan for us.  I say it a lot but wow we are so blessed. I hope that everyone has an awesome week. Je t'aime!!!
Elder Davis

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