Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 19


So i have to start out by telling everyone to have a blast at Davis Campout this weekend. It is strange that it will be the first time i am just not going, but i know that i am doing more important things and it only makes it that much more exciting for when i can go in two years. Also tomorrow i am going up to Blois for two weeks until i get a new companion and i will be staying with Elder Wood and his companion so it is cool that i will still be with family and we will just have to have our own little camp out while serving the Lord. It is going to be crazy because we will be handling all the people in both our areas so I am getting ready to work really hard rushing from place to place to try to see everyone hahah. Well tell Bryce and Paul good job on there scripture masteries, that is so good. Also i hope that the surf is great. Tell them that i have yet to hear from them so after EFY i expect a letter or email from them telling me about everything and how their experience at EFY was. That is so great that it all worked out and they get to go to EFY i loved going every year it is such a good experience. Well i am glad that your talk went so well Dad it is funny because i was just thinking about that this week. How to have a true change of heart and it is so true that if humble yourself and love then you see the amazing change. This week was full of service and at first it was really tiring, but as i started to just humble myself and show an increase in love towards that people we were serving it became easy and actually really fun to help out any way possible. So you can all get a good image of me serving this week. Well we went out to the Soeur Taylor's house the lady with all the dogs, well she also has horses and she asked if we could come by to help out, so we went by with the Elders from Blois to have more helpers and she asked me and Elder Coleman to clean out the horse stables and it was crazy. They had not been cleaned in ten years and there was well horse droppings up to my knees in the whole thing and it took three hours of constantly shoveling into a wheelbarrow and dumping into a huge pile out back. It was so funny because we had to start at the door and we worked our way into in and at one point we were in the middle surrounded and the door was open so the horses came in and blocked our path and we could not move them, so we were just stuck with the horses while trying to roll a wheel barrow through everything and me and Elder Coleman just started laughing. Oh and Elder Wood and Elder Gardner were using sickles to cut down weeds and they both have allergies so they were dieing it was a crazy service day. Then latter in the week we went to visit some member and they were like where are your regular cloths we thought you were going to do some service so we just put coveralls over our cloths and worked in there yard it was so hot but really cool because they made us an awesome meal after. Then just yesterday there was a huge city program for kids going on and we were able to help set it up and take it down, and because of it a lot of people were interested in who we were and what we did so it was really good. Well Elder Gardner packed up today so it has been a strange day thinking that i will get a new companion in two weeks and that he is going up to the mission office. I am no longer going to be with my Trainer so wish me luck hahah jk. Ok well i love you all and hope that you have a great week.

Elder Davis

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