Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Elder Davis
Les Missionnaires
150 Quai des Anglais n°125
59140 DUNKERQUEFrance
It is so good to hear all the news about the family. Sorry that i have not sent any pictures, hopefully in Dunkerque there will be an easier way to send the pictures. It sounds like you are all going to have such a fun trip. Let me know all about it and send pictures hahaha. So i leave to Dunkerque on Wed and that is also when i will meet my new companion. I know that is name is Elder Burgess and that he is from New Zealand. I will let you know how it all goes next week . Well this last week was really great. It was strange because i was expecting to stay and we thought that Elder Williams was going to leave, but we had it wrong. Well we were able to see most of our amis and had 5 of them at church on Sunday. It was so cool to see how much the work has grown sense being here. We came to Reims with nothing and as i am leaving there is tons of things happening and hopefully three baptisms next month. Serving in Reims was such a blessing and i am so grateful that i had the opportunity to serve here. It is always sad leaving a ville but then again there is so much excitement in what the future holds. Well here is a cool stories from the week. One was a man that we have had a lot of trouble getting a hold of and seeing him regularly, but when ever we do things go really well. We got a call during church and he said he was near the church but could not find it. We went and found him and he made it just in time for the last talk. The man talked about the family and how much the church blesses his family and at the base that is the center of the church. Right after church he told me how his friend had just passed away and he has not been able to stop thinking about the real purpose of life and what he can do for his family. We then had a lesson with him and taught the Plan of Salvation. For the first time it really hit me how much of a blessing in was to have this knowledge that seems so basic to us but really gives us a purpose and hope for the future and more importantly our family. It just really hit me this week how happy it makes you to share the message of the gospel. It is just so cool to see all the great relationships you make with Companions, the other missionaries in the district, amis, members and all the other people you meet. So many good memories. Well i just want to say that i love you all so much and wish you luck and all that you are doing. Remember to stay close to Christ that is where you will find the most comfort, love, joy and help that you need to get through all the bumps through life. Je t'aime!
Elder Davis
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
As always so good to hear from everyone. That is cool that grandma and grandpa were able to come up an eat dinner with you this week. How are things going for them? It is great to hear that Mom and Dad are doing great. I am excited to go to the temple when i get back haha. Hearing that you were able to go this week got me really excited about it. Also i just heard that things are progressing well with the Temple site here. Well surprisingly this week actually felt a lot longer then normal. But that was a good thing because i really enjoyed this week. The week before, we had to push back Mairie-Blanche's baptism and then we had trouble contacting a lot of people. We sat down at the start of this week and really planned out how we could move the work forward and achieve all our goals. Through that along with a lot of hard work and prayer we experienced so many amazing things this week. Things really picked up and we had a packed week. I am also excited because things are looking great for this week. It is the last week of the transfer so i will let you know on Sat what is happening. To answer some questions and explain a little bit more of he routine of the mission i guess, each transfer is six weeks and the Sat of week six we get an e-mail saying if we are staying or leaving and who our new companion is. Right now i am is a district with the four Elders here in Reims and 4 other elders in Paris Lilas ( The east area of Paris and just outside of it.). We go up to Paris once a week for a district meeting, usually on Wen. This week President is coming to the district meetings for our whole zone so we are excited about that. I hope that that answers some questions if not feel free to ask more. I feel that i am bad about explaining about my week in the letter haha. Oh i wanted to share a cool miracle that happened yesterday. We were waiting at the door for our amis and a man with his two sons walked in and told us that he was exploring the different religions and wanted to learn more about the church. So we invited them to church and they really enjoyed it and will be coming back next week. It was cool too because we had set a really high goals for amis at church and had been praying that week to obtain it. With them there we hit the goal and it was so exciting to see this family really searching for a true church. Also we had a lesson that day and we wanted to invite a member to come with us. We ask a few members and the ones we wanted were busy. We then felt like we should ask this one member that i would have never thought of before. To sum it up the RDV went perfect and he is so great to teach with. The lady was really excited about the gospel and we hope to set a baptismal date with her this week. I always feel so blessed when you see how the spirit has guided you throughout the day. Well i love you all so much and hope that you make it a great week. JE T'AIME!!!
Elder Davis
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Well it sounds like you are all having a great time back home. I am glad that Mom and Dad enjoyed there time in Anaheim. Sounds like Nicole and Eric are doing really well. How are the boys doing with school and sports? Also it blows my mind that Bryce is about to graduate. How is that going, you holding in there? I am glad that you two were able to go to the mission prep fireside. That is cool that you were able to speak with Elder Ford. To answer your questions yes it is hard but i never expected it to be easy. This is a work to bring souls unto Christ and something that important, i would expect it to be hard. Satan tries to stop the Lord's work from moving forward, but remember God will win. Plus when you look at all the blessings that come with it all you can do is be grateful and happy. I was actually listening to a talk the other day that talked about the loneliness of leadership and trials we go through. I love that they made the point that we will have hard times, feel lonely, and trials that seem unbearable, but if we use our free agency to stay on the path towards Christ and follow his commandments we have the promise that we will have the comfort, peace, and companionship of the Holy Ghost as we go through the trials and after they are through we will have grown so much and become one step closer to what God sees us as and what we want to become. We can do it! Well this was a good week. We were excited to find a new ami named Yannic. He is really cool and had so many questions. He told us how he had been looking for a church and now it has been a long time sense he has really gone to church because he could not find the truth. It makes his a little hesitant to listen, but also so great that he really is searching for truth. Also we have an ami named Serge and we were not really sure if he was interested or just meeting with us to be nice. Well this last RDV we taught the Plan of Salvation and half way through it he started to take notes and ask us a ton of questions. You could see that the spirit hit him and he just wanted to keep learning more. Another cool thing this week is the young family we taught last week. They are still really interested and have started to read the Book of Mormon every night. It is funny because i feel that the work has slowed down a little bit the last couple weeks, but as i am writing i see how many great things are happening. Well thanks for all the support you give me and know that all is well with me. Please pray for me and my companion (Elder Williams) so that we can continue to find people to teach. I love you all so much!
Elder Davis
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Glad that everything is going great for all of you. I am also really happy to hear that Grandma is doing better. This week was a interesting week. It was a great week and at the same time a really hard week. It was hard because we had nearly everyone cancel on us for this week because it was a break and they were all going places for vacation. So that was hard not being able to see everyone we hoped to see. It did give us a lot of time to find more people, which is always really good. We found some people that i am really excited about.
A highlight of the week was our Zone Conference. It was really good. One huge thing they focused on was the power of a simple testimony. Often we go off on huge tangents and try to speak too much. When you share your testimony no matter how big or small, that is when the spirit will speak to the heart and they can feel the message is true. I really loved the whole training. I have seen as I have stopped and shared my testimony of this gospel more people have felt the spirit and understood the message we are sharing. Also during the zone conference I was able to reflect on the goals I have set for myself and I received ways on how I can better achieve them and set higher goals.
Well one other thing that was interesting this week. Right after me and Elder Williams had finished a lesson we were going to start an exchange with the other team here in Reims. Well we got a call and were told to meet them at the hospital. When we got there we found a member from the States who had come down to visit a friend here in France. His friend had passed out when walking into a café that morning and was rushed to the hospital. He did not speak any French and we came and helped translate for him. To make a long story short the lady he was visiting ended up being alright but had to stay in the hospital for a week for the doctors to watch her. The problem was the man's plane left the next day from Paris. So we had another member pick us up and we went to get his stuff and help him catch a train to Paris. It was a quit the day. One cool thing about it was he was telling us about how his son was 19 and did not know if he should serve a mission, but after we had help him he said he is going to go home and tell his son about it. He said that seeing us come to help him when he was lost and did not know what to do was an answer to his prays and he wants his son to have the opportunity to make a difference in others lives. It is funny because to us it was such a small thing to just go over and help translate, pick up his stuff and take him to the Gare (train station). Sometimes just giving a little of your time to others makes all the difference in their life.
It still amazes me as i look back at each day on the mission. I learn so much and can see the hand of the Lord directing his work. There is so much joy in sharing the truthfulness of this gospel. I invite you all to find a way you can share this joy with others. Whether it be giving a little more of your time, a small testimony, giving out a Book of Mormon, or just being an example to others, you can make a difference in someones life and feel the blessings of being part of this amazing work. I love you all and hope that you have an amazing week. Thanks for all that you have done and still do for me. JE T'AIME!
Elder Davis